Vitamin C

What comes to mind when you think of vitamin C? Many people associate vitamin C with oranges, fruit for fighting cold symptoms. And they’re not necessarily wrong.

Vitamin C has a long history of supporting human health. It started with a clinical trial way back in 1747.[1] The British naval surgeon James Lind found that citrus fruit helped treat sailors who were suffering from scurvy. This discovery not only saved countless lives at sea. It also laid the foundation for understanding the importance of vitamin C.

Today, we know vitamin C supports antioxidant defense. It also aids collagen formation, immune function, iron absorption and more. It’s a powerhouse vitamin you need to get enough of for optimal health.

Read on to learn everything you need to know about vitamin C and its benefits. We’ll also explore the Bulletproof approach to vitamin C and vitamin C recipes.

What Is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid. It is a water-soluble vitamin. This means your body can absorb and transport it through your bloodstream.

If you have a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, you may get enough vitamin C through food. Vitamin C foods include citrus fruits, cherries and strawberries. Kiwi, bell peppers, cauliflower and broccoli are also high in vitamin C. Some people may benefit from a vitamin C supplement. This is especially true for smokers, those with limited food variety or people with certain medical conditions. Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency include fatigue, weakened immune function and slower wound healing.[2]

Vitamin C does a lot for both your body and mind. Next, let’s take a look at vitamin C’s benefits.

Vitamin C Benefits

Vitamin C offers a range of advantages that support your well-being. These include:

Immune Support

Vitamin C helps with immune system support. It does this by strengthening your body’s defense mechanisms. This makes the body better at fighting off infections and illnesses.[3] Vitamin C supports the production of antibodies. It also acts as an antioxidant,[4] protecting your cells from damage.

Heart Health

Vitamin C supports heart health by promoting the dilation of blood vessels.[5] This helps lower blood pressure and improve blood flow throughout the body. It also reduces inflammation and oxidative stress.[6] This helps reduce two key factors in the development of heart disease.

Collagen Production

Vitamin C is essential for the synthesis of collagen fibers in the body.[7] Collagen is a structural protein that provides strength and elasticity to tissues such as the skin, tendons and blood vessels. By supporting collagen synthesis, vitamin C helps maintain skin health. Collagen supports skin elasticity, wound healing and tissue integrity.[8]

Brain Health

Vitamin C plays a role in the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. These are essential for managing stress and cognitive function.[9] Plus, vitamin C supports the maintenance of the blood-brain barrier.[10] This helps regulate the passage of nutrients and waste products in and out of the brain.

Next, let’s turn to recent clinical trials that spotlight the benefits of vitamin C.

The Science-Backed Benefits of Vitamin C

Vitamin C may help manage endometriosis symptoms.[11] Sixty women with endometriosis-related pelvic pain were enrolled in a recent clinical trial. Half received a combination of vitamin C and E supplements. The other half received placebos for eight weeks. Those taking vitamins C and E experienced significant reductions in markers of oxidative stress. This finding highlights the potential of antioxidants like vitamin C in managing pelvic pain and other symptoms.

Another scientific study points to vitamin C as an effective ingredient in an anti-aging skin serum.[12] The research evaluated the effects of a serum containing 20% vitamin C, vitamin E and European raspberry leaf cell culture extract. Over two months, 50 female volunteers ages 30 to 65 applied the serum to one side of their face. They used regular facial products on the other side. Participants had significant improvements in skin color and elasticity on the serum side. They also saw positive changes in skin radiance, smoothness, scaliness and wrinkles.

Finally, vitamin C might help gums heal faster after getting a tooth pulled.[13] A study looked at how giving vitamin C as a pill and into the extraction site affected healing after tooth removal. Results showed that combining both types of vitamin C helped gums heal better after 21 days. This was versus not getting vitamin C.

The Bulletproof Approach to Vitamin C

If you eat a healthy, well-balanced diet, you’re probably already getting enough vitamin C. But it also depends on your lifestyle. You may want to consider vitamin C supplements if your body is often stressed by work or physical demands.

Getting an optimal amount of vitamin C can take you to the next level when it comes to fueling your performance.

Spotlight on Vitamin C

At Bulletproof, we are big on vitamin C. We include it in many of our products to support your immune function and promote your well-being. We offer high-quality, bioavailable forms of vitamin C to ensure maximum absorption and efficacy.

Here are some of the best vitamin C supplements to add to your wellness stack:

Immune Gummies are ideal if you’d rather chew your vitamins. They combine the benefits of a vitamin C gummy with functional ingredients like zinc, elderberry and echinacea. Plus, they are sugar-free.

Energy Collagen Protein includes 111% of your daily intake of vitamin C. This caffeine-free blend has adaptogens like ginseng and cordyceps mushroom. It also includes magnesium and MCT oil. It provides 20 grams of grass-fed collagen protein for skin, bone and joint health. It also delivers targeted nutrients for energy support.

We go above and beyond to source ingredients and test our products for safety and efficacy.

Our Supplement Testing Standards

Our dedication to quality ensures the accuracy, efficacy and safety of our products. Our supplements undergo four layers of quality testing to guarantee their integrity.

First, we conduct identity testing to confirm the presence of all ingredients in the supplement to prevent dilution. Next, purity testing ensures our products are free from harmful contaminants. We then perform strength testing to verify the correct dosage of active ingredients as declared on the label. Finally, composition testing ensures that our supplements meet all label specifications. These meticulous testing procedures ensure our products are accurately labeled. It also confirms our supplements are safe and effective.

To maintain unbiased and accurate results, we work with accredited third-party labs. We select them based on their expertise and suitability for specific test methods. This collaborative approach allows us to leverage various accredited laboratories. This, in turn, ensures the reliability and integrity of our testing process.


What are vitamin C foods that align with the Bulletproof diet?

Colorful vegetables like bell peppers, cooked kale, broccoli and Brussels sprouts are great sources of vitamin C. Strawberries, raspberries and blueberries are good sources of vitamin C and won’t have a significant impact on your blood sugar level. You can also choose citrus fruits like oranges and lemons in moderation.

Can you get too much vitamin C?

Yes, you can take too much vitamin C, although it is rare because the body can’t store the vitamin. If you take a big amount all at once, it can lead to gastrointestinal discomfort such as diarrhea, nausea and abdominal cramps.[14] If you’re supplementing with vitamin C, try not to go over 2,000 milligrams per day.[15]

Does cooking affect the vitamin C content in food?

Yes, because heat sensitivity can cause vitamin C to degrade when exposed to high temperatures for long periods. You’ll probably lose some vitamin C in your vegetables if you boil, steam or microwave them. This is especially true if you overcook them in water. To preserve the amount of vitamin C in your food, try lightly sautéing your veggies with grass-fed ghee or blanching quickly in water.

Does vitamin C interact with medications?

Yes, vitamin C supplements may interact with certain medications.[16] This includes aspirin, acetaminophen, aluminum-containing antacids, barbiturates and nitrate medications for heart conditions. Vitamin C can also potentially affect estrogen levels when taken with oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy. It may also interact with certain antibiotics, protease inhibitors and blood thinners like warfarin. Always check with your healthcare provider before starting any new vitamin C supplements. This is especially important if you take medications.

Does vitamin C prevent or treat the common cold?

While vitamin C plays a crucial role in immune support, it is not a one-stop-shop for preventing or alleviating cold symptoms. That depends on your health, immune system and vitamin C dosage. Some studies suggest that vitamin C supplements may reduce the duration and severity of cold symptoms. This is especially the case for stressed out people or those who don’t have a lot of vitamin C in their diet.[17] Other research indicates vitamin C may not prevent or treat the common cold.[18] Having a nutrient-dense diet that includes vitamin C can be a great foundation for immune support. That said, it’s not a guarantee that you won’t get sick.

Why should you take a vitamin C supplement?

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin. This means your body doesn’t store it and it needs to be replenished regularly through food or supplementation. Taking a vitamin C supplement is a great option when you have limited access to fresh fruits and vegetables, like when you’re traveling. If you’re feeling especially stressed or run-down, consider taking extra vitamin C. This could help support your immune system and bolster your body’s natural defenses.

What is the best time to take a vitamin C supplement?

There isn’t a best time to take a vitamin C supplement. It comes down to your personal preference. The important thing is to take it at the same time each day to make sure you don’t forget. Try incorporating it into your routine when it makes the most sense for you.

Is vitamin C calcium?

No, vitamin C is not calcium. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin. It helps with collagen synthesis, immune support and antioxidant protection. Calcium is a mineral that contributes to strong bones and teeth. Calcium also supports muscle function, nerve signaling and blood clotting.