
Feeling your best comes when all your habits build up to a well-rounded, healthy lifestyle. From sleep hygge to practices like gratitude and mindfulness, wellness goes well beyond what’s on your plate. Here, we’ve gathered resources to help you close the loop on a healthy lifestyle.

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A headshot of Peloton instructor Tunde Oyeneyi

#BETHEPROOF: Peloton’s Tunde Oyeneyin Shares the Power of Forever Change

I wasn’t always fit, and I wasn’t always an extrovert. My journey to becoming the best version of myself has...

Two tubs of Bulletproof Complete Daily Energy

Inside Bulletproof: Trey Sanders, Dad of 3 and Product Developer, Talks ‘Energy You Can Feel’

It is such a surreal experience going through the Bulletproof product development process and seeing the final result in people’s...

Man practicing upward facing dog yoga pose.

Mind-Body Wellness: 8 Practices That Will Help You Balance Your Psyche

You’re laser-focused on hitting the gym after work and ultra-consistent with carving out time for a lunchtime jog or bike...

Man using a foam roller on his right calf

Workout Recovery: Tips, Tricks & Why it Matters

Like butter and coffee, workout and recovery go hand in hand. However, while exercising is beneficial for overall health, pounding...

Woman putting on headphones getting ready for a run

Cardio vs. Strength Training: Is One Better than the Other?

There are two sides to every coin. And in the case of exercise, that couldn’t be more true. Yet, when...

Ashwagandha supplement for stress

Ashwagandha Benefits: Stress Less and Handle More

Ashwagandha has been used as a traditional remedy in India as far back as 6000 BC. More recently, this root’s...

A man doing yoga in a park

Digital Detox Guide: 8 Active Ways to Unplug This Summer

Between your phone, your laptop, your smartwatch and your TV, it’s easy to feel as if your life has been...

Friends packing their car to go camping

6 Fun Outdoor Activities Anyone Can Do (And Why You Should)

Many of us have fond childhood memories of spending endless hours outside, playing games with siblings and neighbors until sunset,...

Man meditating outdoors.

A Guide on How to Think Positive—and Why it Matters

The next time you find yourself in a negative situation, pay close attention to your thoughts. What does the voice...

Man scooping Bulletproof coffee into press

10 Morning Routine Ideas to Level Up Your Day

When you start your day with a successful morning, you build momentum for the rest of the day. Although the...

A black woman meditating outside

Get Outside: The Health Benefits of Fresh Air and Forest Bathing

We’ve all felt the benefits of outdoor activities—possibly without even knowing it. The moment you step outside and fill your...

Woman meditating on yoga mat

It’s Time to Love Yourself: How to Design a Self-Care Plan

It’s time to take care of number one. Self-care is exactly what the name implies: taking good care of yourself...

Woman working out from home

Fueling Up for Home Fitness

Home fitness is one of the best ways get moving again! Consider this is a courtesy check-in to make sure...

Woman putting on hand lotion

Natural Winter Skincare Tips and Remedies

Between the dry air, harsh winds and constant hand-washing to stay healthy, winter can wreak havoc on your skin. As...

Woman working at home

The Ultimate Guide to Working From Home

With COVID-19 still looming into 2021, the work from home trend is here to stay (at least for the time...

Three yoga poses

Do These 9 Yoga Poses for Stress Relief Any Time of Day

What do you do when you want to feel balanced and present? Add yoga to your self-care routine with these...