|August 20, 2024

What is Glutathione? Healthy Aging, Immunity & Detox Support

By Bulletproof Staff
Reviewed by Theresa Greenwell for Scientific Accuracy

What is Glutathione? Healthy Aging, Immunity & Detox Support

  • Glutathione is the body’s essential antioxidant. It shields our cells against oxidative stress that may stem from diet, lifestyle and the impact of everyday living.
  • Glutathione supports healthy aging by helping your body to maintain cellular health and function. It can also help to detoxify your liver, support your immune system and skin health.
  • Glutathione supplements with liposomal deliver are more efficient for optimal absorption. Strengthen your body against the toxins and stress on a cellular level with Liposomal Glutathione.

Glutathione, also known as “GSH” or the “master antioxidant,” is an easy way to help stop the harmful chain of reactions caused by diet and stress. Are your daily stress levels at an all-time high? Here’s one powerful way to stay resilient: Get more antioxidants like glutathione in your life.

In this glutathione explainer, we dive deeper into this master antioxidant. Keep reading to learn more about glutathione benefits, possible side effects and how supplementation may help protect your cells from oxidative stress.

What is glutathione?

Gold droplets on gray background

Your body uses glutathione to eliminate toxins, strengthen immunity and protect your cells from the free radicals caused by diet and stress.

Despite the similar names, glutathione is different from the amino acids glutamate (a form of glutamic acid) and glutamine. Almost every cell in your body makes glutathione from the amino acids L-glutamine, L-cysteine (NAC) and L-glycine. Your cells keep the same amount of energy (glucose) on hand as they do glutathione—it’s that important to cell survival.[1]

Glutathione benefits almost every system in your body. It helps in minimizing the chain reactions created by free radicals and the oxidative stress that breaks down your cellular walls. This means glutathione supports overall health, shields fats from oxidation, helps in the building of muscle,[2] supports energy-producing mitochondria, strengthens immunity[3] and supports brain health.[4]

Some people may take glutathione for specific medical conditions under the care of their healthcare provider, but anyone can benefit from a glutathione supplement.

>The bottom line: Glutathione is an antioxidant with important health benefits. It strengthens your immunity by protecting your cells from side effects of oxidative damage. This means glutathione builds your body’s resiliency.

Glutathione benefits for immunity, anti-aging and more

Man smiling in front of yellow background

You may know that berries are full of antioxidants, as are cruciferous vegetables, coffee, grass-fed butter, fish and many other foods. But glutathione is different because it benefits your body in more ways than one. It provides powerful antioxidant support to eliminate toxins.

Detoxification of free radicals

Think of glutathione as one of your body’s natural detox agents. This powerful antioxidant becomes a cofactor for dozens of detox enzymes that neutralize damaging free radicals.[5] The largest stash of glutathione is found in your liver, which uses glutathione to remove heavy metals,[6] free radicals and other toxins.

The modern world can be challenging, especially if you’re breathing in city air and working a stressful job. Stressful conditions can affect your glutathione stores,[7] which can lead to glutathione deficiency. You can increase your levels through glutathione supplementation.

One way to reliably get those glutathione benefits: Take a quality liposomal glutathione supplement like Liposomal Glutathione. Your liver uses glutathione to detoxify. The liposomal delivery system is designed for max absorption.

Defends your immune system and boosts strength

Glutathione helps regulate your immune system, keeping you from feeling run-down. This powerful antioxidant also helps recycle and reuse vitamin C[8] and vitamin E, making this power trio more effective by supporting a healthy inflammation response. Toxin overload can make it more difficult to sleep, depriving your body of the opportunity to cleanse those toxins and recharge your energy. Glutathione can help your liver remove sleep-interfering toxins,[9] which can benefit a more restful night’s sleep.

Glutathione may also help you get the most from exercise. In a pilot study involving humans, supplemental glutathione was associated with an improved recovery marker[10] and decreased fatigue after aerobic exercise.

Pro tip: Give your immune system additional support with Bulletproof Immune Defense Collagen Protein Packets. Not only do they contain vitamins C and D, but they also have collagen protein to support healthy skin, bone, and joints.†

Protects cells with anti-aging powers

Free radicals are a driving mechanism behind the effects of aging. So, it’s no surprise that antioxidants can help combat the effects of aging.[11]

Age may affect the body’s production of glutathione. Rodent models suggest lower levels of glutathione over time.[12] Glutathione deficiency can contribute to age-related health problems.

Glutathione benefits to skin health can help you fight the signs of aging, too. In one double-blind, placebo-controlled study, women given dietary supplements to increase glutathione levels showed a significant reduction in wrinkles and increased skin elasticity.[13]

What is Liposomal Glutathione?

When taken in traditional supplement forms, glutathione’s absorption in the gastrointestinal tract is limited because it can be degraded by stomach acid and enzymes before it reaches the bloodstream. Liposomal encapsulation protects glutathione from this degradation, allowing for better absorption.

Liposomal glutathione is created when glutathione is encapsulated inside a lipid (fatty compound). This helps ensure the glutathione molecule is bioavailable, meaning it’s easily and effectively absorbed by the body so you can begin reaping its functional benefits.

Do glutathione pills work?

hand reaching for liposomal glutathione supplements

Sulfur-containing foods like cruciferous veggies and garlic can help build glutathione and consistent exercise can boost it. Additionally, when you eat more protein, you’ll give your body the raw materials to build more glutathione. Plus, animal proteins like beef and eggs are sources of quality fats and cholesterol—find out why fat is a good thing.

It is difficult to get reliable amounts of glutathione from diet alone. To get consistent, efficacious doses of this master antioxidant, consider implementing a glutathione supplement to your daily wellness regimen.

Types of glutathione supplements

There are many ways to boost low levels of glutathione, such as glutathione infusions, intravenous glutathione or oral glutathione. You can even supplement with the building blocks of glutathione: the amino acids L-glutamine, L-cysteine and L-glycine. For example, if you take N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), you’re also supporting natural glutathione production.[14]

Taking a targeted glutathione supplement provides your body with all the pieces it needs to support healthy aging. Liposomal Glutathione uses a proprietary liposomal delivery system—making it bioavailable, which means it’s easier for the body to absorb.

Glutathione Side Effects

There are no side effects when it comes to eating glutathione-abundant foods. But when it comes to supplements, glutathione side effects may arise. Luckily, reported anecdotes include minor side effects, like bloating and nausea. This isn’t the case for everyone, which is why it’s always important to consult your licensed healthcare practitioner before introducing a new supplement.

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This is an updated version of an article originally published November 2016.